So I finally picked up and started the Grand Marquis this weekend. Changed the oil, removed the stock intake box/tube (was filled with mud dauber nests, decided to zip tie a K&N filter to the upper box and just leave the bottom out for now). Car runs good, but lacks A/C currently.. need to fix that. Digital dash is also flakey, and the power antenna isn't working, so I can only listen to 101.5, 100.7 and 93.3...... pliers fixed that problem

I have about $120 into the car currently, car itself was free, oil, k&n, wiper blades and registration is all I've spent so far, so not too much of a money pit at the moment.... Once I'm a little more secure with it's reliability it is very likely that this thing will be autocrossed.. why the hell not?
Getting some 17x8 or so mustang wheels for it asap, and some shocks, and a lsd.. and..
