Many years ago, before the wife and kids, I was pretty heavy into mountain biking. We have a few sets of really good trails in N. Florida, including over 10 miles of trail out at Hanna Park.
When the children came, I had less time for hobbies and decided to dump Scuba Diving and Mountain Biking. Fast forward ten years, I still don't have piles of time for hobbies but my illustrious beach volleyball career has quietly ended due to knees that have spent the past 20 years jumping and landing again and again.
So, like any logical man with a healthy need for new toys, I decided to buy another mountain bike and pick up where I left off.
So far, I am having a blast! Any other mountain bikers here?
Thinking of doing some mountain biking in the Tampa area in the future at Alafia State Park, so hit me up if you are out there!
Here's my new ride: