Author Topic: "How was my game?" - Fix-it thread for those that had games at the expo  (Read 4610 times)

Offline TheBatman

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Re: "How was my game?" - Fix-it thread for those that had games at the expo
« Reply #15 on: January 27, 2014, 01:47:08 PM »
Ditto what SteveO said on the Missile Command buttons, that was weird.  However, from playing it I did realize that mine actually DOES need a new roller kit compared to how nice that trackball moved, so that's why i like to play and compare on other games I already own.

Gorf- all the guys on the monitor were just a bit fuzzy and out of focus, not as sharp and crisp as they could be.  Apparently can tweak this in monitor adjustments/ focus knob?  Otherwise played very nice

Big Guns-  the ball got stuck on TOP of the upper left drop target bank when it was down, I believe you can raise the target bank it to make the target tops perfectly flush/ level with the pf so this won't happen. I was able to just shake it and get the ball loose, but I'm sure you;'d want to adjust properly

Black Hole- for my tastes I'd jack up the rear leg levellers a bit to make it go faster on the upper pf, that's what I'm used to on mine. The lower pf shouldn't suffer much as a result, but i realize it's a balancing act with that game, if you angle it so one pf is fast, the other goes the other way.  IMO I'd rather have the upper faster though on this one, as the flippers and pops were plenty powerful once the ball finally got to them. Beautiful game, I still enjoyed playing it very much!
« Last Edit: January 27, 2014, 01:51:22 PM by TheBatman »

Offline Steve O

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Re: "How was my game?" - Fix-it thread for those that had games at the expo
« Reply #16 on: January 27, 2014, 01:58:30 PM »
I will take care of Xenon when it returns home.

On a serious note, Steve O - that color DMD on STTNG totally sold me on their value.  Looks like a totally different pin.  So sweet.  I will now be sad every time I play a TNG that doesn't have one.

I couldn't agree more about the color DMD.  I had thought of selling STTNG but for some reason it is much more fun to play with the color DMD.  There are plenty of opportunities to look at it during the game and they did a great job with the colors.

Best wardrobe decision:  The Batman keeping his Roger Staubach jersey home and wearing his Pro Bowl attire instead!!   :P

Offline Robertm

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Re: "How was my game?" - Fix-it thread for those that had games at the expo
« Reply #17 on: January 27, 2014, 02:06:33 PM »
Doctor who had a few issues this weekend , But thanks to the great darren, jeff and the helper(me) lol. It was all resolved and was played the last day... We actuallly pulled intire playfield out to fix one issue.
Pins: Twilight Zone , TWD,  Addams Family, , Got , Woz
Vids: Skeeball ,412-1, Valley Dart, Asteroids, ICB ,  CS/Paperboy, multi williams , MAME, Neo Geo, Playchoice, Gt 2009 w/SSb, Crazy Taxi U/R, Chexx Hockey
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Offline TheBatman

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Re: "How was my game?" - Fix-it thread for those that had games at the expo
« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2014, 02:08:37 PM »

Best wardrobe decision:  The Batman keeping his Roger Staubach jersey home and wearing his Pro Bowl attire instead!!   :P

LOL, no I DIDN'T keep it at was actually in the car just in case of emergency! Seriously.  :P  It was a very tough call but I decided to annoy Compran with my love of the Pro Bowl and wear that one in honor of Pro Bowl day.

Offline MilitiaMan

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Re: "How was my game?" - Fix-it thread for those that had games at the expo
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2014, 02:42:54 PM »
-the Xenon's right-most metal outlane divider kept coming loose on the bottom, so the ball was getting caught in the right outlane.  I know it got temporarily fixed a couple of times, not sure if anyone had time to do a solid repair.

I had to fix that at least 4 times myself this weekend, so when I unload these pins at Steve O's house later tonight I will fix the Xenon post.


Current Barn Want List: Quantum, Timber, Star Castle, Zookeeper, Congo Bongo, Journey, Black Widow, Warlords C/T, Williams Duramold, Nibbler or Eyes.

Hit me up if you have any of these for sale, complete, project, or otherwise.

Offline Steve O

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Re: "How was my game?" - Fix-it thread for those that had games at the expo
« Reply #20 on: January 27, 2014, 02:52:32 PM »
I had to fix that at least 4 times myself this weekend, so when I unload these pins at Steve O's house later tonight I will fix the Xenon post.



Thanks Steve!  Xenon was not used to getting so much play!

Offline DarrenF

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Re: "How was my game?" - Fix-it thread for those that had games at the expo
« Reply #21 on: January 27, 2014, 08:35:42 PM »
Black Hole- for my tastes I'd jack up the rear leg levellers a bit to make it go faster on the upper pf, that's what I'm used to on mine. The lower pf shouldn't suffer much as a result, but i realize it's a balancin g act with that game, if you angle it so one pf is fast, the other goes the other way.  IMO I'd rather have the upper faster though on this one, as the flippers and pops were plenty powerful once the ball finally got to them.

I agree with you 100%... and that's how it was set up at home.  Unfortunately, I set it up at the show in a hurry, and I didn't get it right.  I didn't play it on the floor until near the end of the show, so I never knew it was so sloooow.  Sorry to everyone who might have got the impression that BH is boring by playing it this weekend... it's really much better than that!
Black Hole, Haunted House, Asteroids, Battlezone, Ikari Warriors, Out Run, Lethal Enforcers
WTB:  Arkanoid cocktail

Offline mcluvin

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Re: "How was my game?" - Fix-it thread for those that had games at the expo
« Reply #22 on: January 27, 2014, 08:59:50 PM »
I really liked that Blackhole, but it and Fathom had me wondering if the legs were on backwards.  It felt like I was playing downhill.  Regardless still enjoyed seeing and playing them.

Offline TheBatman

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Re: "How was my game?" - Fix-it thread for those that had games at the expo
« Reply #23 on: January 27, 2014, 11:26:55 PM »
It wasn't THAT bad, just noticeably slower than mine.  I thought it funny that the ball would slowly meander over to the pops or sling shots, then BAM! go flying across the game at hyper speed. :)  It was still a beautiful game and always nice to see at shows, one of my favorite 80's pins, if not THE favorite.

Offline MilitiaMan

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Re: "How was my game?" - Fix-it thread for those that had games at the expo
« Reply #24 on: January 28, 2014, 09:31:51 AM »
Ditto what SteveO said on the Missile Command buttons, that was weird.  However, from playing it I did realize that mine actually DOES need a new roller kit compared to how nice that trackball moved, so that's why i like to play and compare on other games I already own.

I will look at the buttons ... maybe I wired them up incorrectly. I just thought I sucked at Missile Command all this time.

Thanks for the compliments on the trackball. That rebuild was a fun project!

Current Barn Want List: Quantum, Timber, Star Castle, Zookeeper, Congo Bongo, Journey, Black Widow, Warlords C/T, Williams Duramold, Nibbler or Eyes.

Hit me up if you have any of these for sale, complete, project, or otherwise.

Offline HammysHangout ( Hammy )

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Re: "How was my game?" - Fix-it thread for those that had games at the expo
« Reply #25 on: January 28, 2014, 09:38:35 AM »
you probably have them wired NC instead of NO. | |

"Good engineers keep thick authoritative books on their shelf. Not for their own reference, but to throw at people who ask stupid questions. Hoping a small fragment of knowledge will osmotically transfer with each cranial impact."-eeguru

I fix things.. all the things.. but you have reach out first to see how my queue looks. ( all things arcade/pinball/computer ) ... do not do house calls, repairs are generally live streamed on twitch.


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Re: "How was my game?" - Fix-it thread for those that had games at the expo
« Reply #26 on: March 02, 2014, 12:19:45 AM »

Big Guns-  the ball got stuck on TOP of the upper left drop target bank when it was down, I believe you can raise the target bank it to make the target tops perfectly flush/ level with the pf so this won't happen. I was able to just shake it and get the ball loose, but I'm sure you;'d want to adjust properly

left drops got stuck under pf after another player may have been reset too high when released- thanks I'll double check now.