« on: November 16, 2016, 06:47:58 AM »
5 Years of Operating Pinball in the 904 Area Code Today!
5 Years ago I put my Batman Forever at Young Loud and Snotty Records / Skateboards in Atlantic Beach FL.
When I found the place it spoke to me to put a game there. Dale the owner was instantly receptive to the idea.
Since that game was there many many many others came and went there.
I helped other operators and collector operators place games and then the second game
was Tales from the Crypt that I picked up the weekend of the Southern Pinball Festival that year
which went to Aphotic Crypt which was a goth style place that sold neat strange stuff.
I eventually got into dive bars, sports bars, comic shops, video game stores movie theaters and misc. weird spots.
After about 3.5 years things got into gear and this is now what I do.
It's wildness that I actually make a living off of quarters (mostly)!
I started the 904 Pinball Zine earlier in 2011 and initially visualized routing games in early 2009
when I lived in Seattle, 2 years before even owning one pinball machine.
These days I'm the operator in the region with the most games out but other big operations still have some one.
I've still got a looooong way to go, so the next 5 years will be interesting coming up.
Thanks for playing if you've played them, if you haven't yet why not do so if ever in the area?
Cheers and all that jive!

Keg:GB,Ven,Jaws,DP,GZ,SW,STT,TMNT,Foo,CrazyTaxi,Tekken5,SF2,SMB,MVC2,NBAjam,PopNmusic,RevX,Tetris&UMK3 / JusticePub:BigHouse,Gladiators,Mario,SF2,Multi,SF2NC,Pac,Simpsons&SMB / JRseafood: Multicade&SMB / Players1:TMNT,JP&WCS / Sneaker:Klax,SS / Soupa:MVC / S.O.P.:Pac,Beatles&SW /
VGR:19xx,Area51,Blitz,CrazyTaxi,H.O.D.,POPnMUSIC,SFA3,SF2&WildRiders /