Author Topic: New league season!  (Read 1903 times)

Offline UN4B0MB3R

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New league season!
« on: August 05, 2017, 04:43:35 PM »
Starting September 5th at 7:30PM! To off-set Cafe One League starting September 12th  :)

10 week league meeting every other Tuesday.

Two rounds per league night:
4 player groups play 3 games per round.
Match-play style, at first it's random then as time/points progress similar skilled players are placed together.
Highest seed gets game or position choice, so on and so forth.
First place gets 4 points, second 3, third 2, and fourth 1 (for 3 player groups points are 3,2,1).

On week 10 there will be a playoff between the top half of the field for the ultimate winner! So every week counts!

For regular league members there is a $10 fee per league night, $5 goes to that nights payouts and $5 goes to the end of season prize pool. For guests or players not willing to commit it is a $5 fee for that nights payouts.