« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2019, 10:55:09 PM »
that sucks, sorry for your loss. 
Thank you.
Rough year for people I know with bikes. About 6 months ago a mechanic at work was riding with a group and a friend of his got hit. She died. About 2 months ago the son of a lady at work died on a bike. About a month ago was my brother in laws accident and a couple of weeks ago one of our drivers at work got t-boned on his bike. Crushed his foot between the crash bar and motor. Boot and his toes stayed with the bike and he was thrown 50+ feet away. Still do not know if he will keep his foot.
The vast majority of people I know drive cars or trucks, the vast majority of people I know who were injured or killed while driving were on bikes. None of their accidents were their fault.
I rode before, bikes are fun, but bikes are much more likely to get you killed or maimed. My brother in law was a great guy. Just turned 50, left 4 kids and a wife.

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