Author Topic: Save The Date: Saturday, May 20th is The Norma Jennings Fair Strikes Tournaments  (Read 1051 times)

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Hello Pinball Friends & Fellow Asylum Inmates--

As you all know, our friend Norma Jennings (Michelle) passed away in May of 2022, and last year we inaugurated The Norma Jennings Fair Strikes Tournaments to honor her memory.

Thanks to Michelle's family, we'll be doing another two (2) back-to-back fair strikes tournaments on Saturday, May 20th to remember our friend, the great competitor, and broadcaster, Norma/Michelle.

To register please check your email for the link, or if you are not on our mailing list, please email us :

And we are excited to report that Norma/Michelle's husband Jeff and her family from out of state will be attending to help us honor her.  If you cannot attend and would like to send a short tribute to Norma/Michelle to be read at the event, please send it to us prior to the event. Likewise, various friends of Michelle's are expected to say a few words, and you are invited to do so as well.

Doors open at 10:00 am on Saturday, May 20th, and the first Fair Strikes starts at 10:30 am.  The second Fair Strikes tournament starts at 3:30 pm.

These tournaments are IFPA sanctioned, and there will be trophies for 1st-4th, but no cash payouts.

Cost/donation is $25 per tournament or $40 for both the morning and afternoon tournaments. This includes your entry fee to The Asylum. The cost is $20 for entry if you are not playing in the tournament(s).

We hope to see you here on May 20th at The Pinball Asylum to honor Norma/Michelle's legacy and memory.

David, Matt, Mike, Jeff, Scott, Todd, and Eric

The Pinball Asylum is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) private space to play pinball-- open to pinball enthusiasts, collectors, tournament, and casual players. We currently host sanctioned IFPA (International Flipper Pinball Association) tournaments and a monthly Pinball League.

The Pinball Asylum was home of IFPA17, The World Pinball Championship, May 2022.
When in Fort Myers, visit The Pinball Asylum..."A Nice Place To Play Pinball."