Thanks, Buddy. I might take you up on that offer.
np, maybe you can hall a load of computers at conclusion of show
I wish i could do more, I really feel that the two hotels which HAD plenty of room availability at time of contract negotiations then had ZERO at time of room negotiations really boned the show.
and for those who don't really know , as ibis posted, this is generally how convention space works ( when attached to a hotel )
the convention space is generally GREATLY discounted.. your required to PAY for X # of rooms.. so, for instance, two years we had BARELY passed the threshold of having enough room books, this is why the show gave out rooms, we had to pay for them either way because rooms were not being booked thru the hotel , we saw this a lot at Double Tree, etc. People were not booking rooms or doubling/tripling up in rooms, this really hurt the show as we had to pay for the rooms not booked, it was a cat and mouse game. This was one of the reason for selecting this style space, as we know exactly what it is going to cost us up front months ahead of time, not a week before. and don't forget about electricity.. that is the crazy part, You all wondered by Marcel ran a generator.. it was actually CHEAPER... the Electric bill at 2022 show was over 12K for the weekend.. compared to Gamewarp 1 which I think was like 4K (numsix would know).. You don't know the amount of STRESS it made me every year with trying "manage" people wanting all these crazy things, when simply the funds were not there. 2021 was the first year we had to take out loans from two people in the community to cover the bills, the hotel had switch management and demanded all rooms, electric, catering, security paid 1 week before the show even opened its door. 2022 was even more exciting, the last minute "we don't have anybody to staff the beer carts, so we can't cater for you"
There has been some comments of "Hammy, your not part of the show anymore, so i don't want to support it" , really? That's a cop out.. in the world of non-profits, Boards members generally get burned out/stagnate.. it was time for change , i was planning at some point retire from the board in the future ( like at the end of this year, but was requested I accelerate the timeline to open up another potential seat for a board member ), I am still a huge supporter, and bring stuff to the show. We have had 5 board member seat changes since the inception of the organization in 2017. only one board member resigned abruptly in the middle of their term. Keep in mind, the Board members don't get paid , they usually volunteer there time all year long.. have meetings weekly.. its different when your a red cross or some super large 501c3, but when its 5 people running a convention, and 40+ volunteers.. its hard, oh, and its also a federal crime to have "conflicts of interest".. ( which apparently our government leaders don't understand what it means )
I am part of, or have been part of , or volunteer for six 501c3(s).. they all have 1 thing it common, to BRING people together.. not pull us apart.
Yeah, it sucks, the hotel is booked solid.
Yeah, it sucks, its farther south for those living in orlando.
Yeah, it sucks, its not a hotel.
Yeah, it sucks, disney isn't 15minutes away, wait.. Are you coming to the show or disney?
But look at the positives.
Its still a show.
Its not going to be a traffic nightmare.
More Space.
More Parking.
Load in will be SOOOOO much better.
And you can actually interact with Me

and not see Grumpy Hammy threating to kill you on the floor for asking where someone is.
oh, and follow me on twitch

lol.. cause i can now self promote without a conflict of interest Muahahhahahahah SUCKERS... that was my Ted Talk, <mic drop>, steps down from podium.
Sorry this post was way longer and probably doesn't belong here, but I am a moderator so i can do what i want