Author Topic: ANDOR is the best Disney Star Wars show  (Read 1660 times)

Offline SpineyNorman

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Re: ANDOR is the best Disney Star Wars show
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2023, 12:58:31 PM »
John Carter is a smoldering trash fire compared to it's source material A Princess Of Mars. I understand that being written in 1912 makes "problematic" for modern pussy sensibilities. Carter can no longer be a Captain of the Confederacy, a bastion of honor and formality. Dejah Thoris HAS to be an empowered girl boss, let's add traveling cities for no damn reason and make the big bad a race that doesn't even appear until the next book because this shit is old and we can remove all the period specific misogyny class distinctions and racism and force it to adhere to "The Message"

Just another property Disney has managed warp into an impacted fecal mass.

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