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« on: March 26, 2024, 08:40:53 AM »
I mostly enjoyed Afterlife, aka the Ghostbusters reboot/restart/rewhatever. The script wasn't the best but unlike the chick version it had it's heart in the right place and doled out the memberberries with respect. I was however more interested in what they did next.

While Ghostbusters: Frozen Throne keeps the reverence to the source material it unfortunately doubles down on the poor script writing.

Out of the gate this movie has waaaay too many characters and subplots. Virtually none of them are given enough screen time or depth to work so everything just seems half hearted. Ever get a DVD that's full of deleted scenes that were excised because while being OK they didn't really advance the plot? If they removed every scene or character like that in this movie it'd be about 35 minutes long.

Unfortunately the most half baked plot of them all is the main one involving the villain. They don't even unleash him until the final act and even then it's not clear what the stakes are with his release other than he's going to 'destroy the world'. Even bad movies realize that's too nebulous which is why you get scenes of the Grandmother or Girlfriend in the city that's about to be nuked to set personal stakes and get people invested. There's literally none of that here so you aren't really invested.. it's just.. yeah OK whatever.

The heart is still there and you can tell there was a real love of Ghostbusters by the film makers.. it's just a shame they couldn't do something better with the opportunity. Once again this was the 2nd draft of a script that needed quite a few more revisions to focus it down and make it into something actually good.

Overall I didn't hate this movie nor did I love it.. it was just a movie. It has Ghostbusters things in it, they say the classic lines.. so if that's all you want you will get it. If you want something the stands on it's own however this isn't really it. It's another missed opportunity.

I was watching some early Spielberg stuff last week.. Close Encoutners, Indiana Jones, etc.. It's amazing how good movies were during that late-70s through early 90s period. Unfortunately I think Hollywood has changed to a point where we may never get another era like that again. It's just lame echos, people trying to emulate the older films but just not having the creative spark that made those films so iconic.

Ah well could have been worse I suppose.

Offline HammysHangout ( Hammy )

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« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2024, 10:10:51 AM »
I enjoyed it, there was some stupid things, but otherwise it was good.

I don't think there has been a great movie since Wrath of Kahn days.. aka.. the 80s..

but then again, we are just old. | |

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« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2024, 10:36:33 AM »
I tried... lasted about a hour and I generally sit through movies if I bother to go.

Basically looked like they put everything and anything Ghostbusters in a blender and puked it up into a movie.

Also appreciated the ghost/human lesbian side story... wtf?  :P thanks 2024.

P.S. Paul Rudd and his one note "acting" needs to stop, I know the ladies like his dopey ass but he sucks.

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« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2024, 07:52:09 AM »
Does this beg to ask, has Dan Akroyd lost his touch?  This is his franchise and he has allowed it to wither on the vine but from my understanding this was his movie?  He has a pile of great films and writing credits, did he just cash in on this one?  For the record I haven't seen nor will see this unless its on NF or something.

On a side note, the art of film making is lost.  It's a cheesy and cookie cutter formula to get butts in the seats and a majority of film is unoriginal to begin with.  There is some amazing films out there and companies like A24 who produce very cool stiff, but the mainstream film industry has been dead to me for a long time.  Stupidhero movies can only go so far.

Offline number six

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« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2024, 04:15:16 PM »
Dan Akroyd has no real power over these movies.

He tried for years to make a Ghostbusters 3 with a story he actually worked on but the studio said 'no'.

Not sure why they are hell bent on turning it into a kids franchise now, I guess they thought it would do more money that way. It's better than the Feige abortion but it's not the movie I think anyone really wanted.

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« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2024, 03:20:45 PM »
Agree with Jack 100%.
I didn't like the Staypuff Minions in Afterlife and liked them less here. As per the hacked Sony emails back in the day, Murray, Aykroyd, Hudson and late Ramis were required to appear in any Ghostbusters films if the studio wanted them to. Which gave us their horrible cameos in the fembot version. One of the unnecessary things in this new film was Patton Oswalt, who was basically doing the Dan Aykroyd thing for 10 minutes and explaining everything about the Big Bad Ghost!
A very unoriginal film.